Dutch calves
Every week our network of farmers and small traders offers Dutch calves to us. Every Wednesday and Thursday we accept the calves at Van de Wetering Veestallen in Nieuwleusen.
Legal requirements
All calves are registered, weighted and classified. We check if they meet all legal requirements in conformity with NVWA and IKB. Then, the calves are sorted in uniform groups.
At the end of the day the groups are sorted according to customer need and are scanned for transport. Finally, they will be transported to the calf fattening farm in a modern cattle-truck.
Calves for sale
Do you have calves for sale? Please inform us. We mainly cooperate with fixed suppliers, but we will of course welcome you. Your calves must be older than 14 days and must meet legal requirements.
Do you have calves for sale? Please inform us! We are looking forward to seeing you in Nieuwleusen!