Are you looking for a calf trader? Boerkamp!
Boerkamp guarantees experience, professionalism and reliability. After all, our motto is: “A promise is a promise”!

Op korte termijn oplossingen nodig voor innovatieve stallen
Om de veehouderij verder te verduurzamen moeten op korte termijn oplossingen worden bedacht om innovatieve stalsystemen verder te ontwikkelen en op de markt te brengen.
International calf trade
The company was founded in 1963 by Bennie Boerkamp. He started his one-man business 'Veehandel Bennie Boerkamp' with only a couple of calves. In the seventies the company starts to import and export calves and does business with Germany, France, Italy and Czech Republic.
German calves
From the late nineties Boerkamp mainly focuses on trade in German calves. The company name changes into ‘bBoerkamp Import-Export BV’ and in 2010 Bart Boerkamp takes over his father’s company. In the meantime Boerkamp has become a great player in the north and northeast of Germany.
Lees meerProductivity
Boerkamp is characterized by short communication lines, thanks to a relatively flat structure. Of course, productivity benefits from it. With only few people (and a low cost structure) a lot of work is realized. The company carries out most things itself. We only put out work if we believe it’s an added value for our company.
Business activities
The business activities of Boerkamp can be divided into:
- German calves
- Dutch calves
- Starter calves
- Calf transport
- Partnerships
Are you looking for a reliable calf trader? Boerkamp strives for sustainable relationships and has a solid network of suppliers and customers. Curious? Interested? Please, feel free to contact us.